Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What's your sign? Canvas?

I don't know about you, but every time I'm in a craft store, I walk down the painting aisle (as well as every other aisle) and wish I had painting skills. I would love to just buy a canvas and free hand a masterpiece. 

Ok, back to reality Marissa. Feeling inspired, one day while in this tempting aisle, the canvas' were 50% off. How could I resist? I bought 4 of them. I've been wanting to make my own vintage looking signs for my apartment and this could be the start.

When I can't sleep at night, my mind wanders, which is the time ideas for crafts come to me, causing me to be so excited that I'm wide awake even longer! My brother's 6 year anniversary popped in my head. What could I do? Maybe I could make a sign for them on a canvas. Who doesn't like their name on something?? 

Unfortunately, I didn't take step by step pictures, but it's a very easy process that I will do my best to explain. 

Canvas, whatever size you wish
Template for whatever you are writing on your sign (I typed in Word and printed)
Carbon Transfer paper Looks like this
Coffee/Tea (if you decide to antique it)

First, I'd suggest to create the wording part of the design on your computer and print it out. This way the font will be flawless. 

Paint your canvas with whatever the background color is going to be, I used antique white and then painted several layers of coffee over the white for a more antique look. 

Once the paint is dry, layer your canvas with transfer paper on top followed by your printed design. Then simply trace the letters, the carbon paper will transfer this onto the canvas. Don't worry about the pen marks, you are painting over it! 

Once the image is transferred, get your paint and brush (recommend a fine brush), take your time and trace over your outlined letters, then fill in. 

I must admit, I wasn't sure what I was going to do with the canvas once the letters were done, I'd figure that out later. As I was painting, I realized this looked like a wine label. What did it need? Their own logo! Since it was a canvas for my brother's anniversary, I decided to do a bride and groom silhouette for their wine logo. This step was done the same way the letters were. 

I knew this canvas needed a little bling, so decided to put a few thumbtacks in the corners. 

Here is the finished product:

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Make Up Makeover

So, yes, it's been a while since any entries, I was in a craft dry spell, but I am happy to share that I am back and inspired!!

For those of you that do not know what pinterest is, it's basically a visual favorite places page that you can categorize yourself, share with others and "follow" others. You can see my site here. I have a folder called "create" of things I would like to create, clever, right? So I decided to choose one of my inspirations and make a magnetic make up board. 

Everyone has their own way of organizing make up whether it's bags, boxes, caboodles or whatever. I wanted to be able to see everything in front of me so that I could make good use of all the eye shadows I buy. It's easily accessible so it will promote use of all, equally. 

Here's the materials you need:
A frame, whatever size you want
Piece of wood, cut to size of frame
Magnetic metal sheet (not aluminum, it's not magnetic!)
Metal snips
Spray Adhesive
Hot Glue/Gun

I recently had a friend over that owns her own frame store, she had a "mess up" frame and thought I'd like to have it. Of course I'd like to have it!! Especially if it's free, not to mention, it was a gorgeous frame. This would be my frame for this project. I went to home depot for a piece of wood and brought the frame along so that it could be perfectly cut to size. Now, time for the metal, there were a few different kinds of metal sheets, located in the building materials section. I had to buy 2 sheets to fit my frame and cut to size. This was my first time using metal snips, which was actually very easy, although I'd suggest wearing gloves, because I did cut myself a few times!

Basically what you want to do is cut wood to fit the frame, cut the metal to fit the frame. Find a good adhesive, I used the same glue I used for my 3 tier cake stand that I had left over, and glue metal to wood. My cut metal piece curled up so I had to place books on it overnight

Now it's time for the fun part, the fabric! Get your spray adhesive and spray all of the metal surface. Wait about a minute so that it gets really tacky and go ahead and put the fabric on. Wrap the extra around the back and spray down. Then all you have to do is put it in your frame! 

Part 2 of the project is next. You will now need your glue gun with glue, magnets and your makeup. 

Glue your magnets to the back of your make up. Using hot glue works well because it will easily come off once your eyeshadow etc runs out and you can take the magnet off and glue on a new one!

Hang in your choice of locations and voila! The one thing I'd like to add is a cup or something for my brushes/eyeliner. I'll probably cover a can in the extra fabric. 

Easy and fast craft with a big bang. Let me know if you make one, I'd love to see how it turns out.